Monday, June 9, 2008

Not to Worry

I have not posted in a while. Just not sure where I am at with my body.

I have been taking my vitamin D and was feeling a whole lot better, but lately I have been slipping.

My feet are swollen. They can get huge. I'm tired all the time and do not want to do anything. So, I crochet and try to stay home.

I do not know what the cause of my lack of enthusiasm is , but probably Fibromyalgia.

So, I look to the Lord to see what it is He would have me do. I'm thinking I'm doing what I am suppose to be doing and just taking care of myself for now. I do not feel any pressure to run out and save the world. So, I'm just going to take it one day at a time.

I have decided to see my doctor. Try to head off anything that may be happening that I do not know about. The swelling in my feet is a problem that probably needs to be addressed. But, I am not to worried about it. After all, to worry is to believe the lies from Satan.