Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Apple Cider Vinegar

I went to the doctor today. Weird!!! The decision on new medications was put off. They took six vials of blood to see where I am at, because I have seen some improvement over the last week and the reason is soooo weird.

Apple cider vinegar. YEP!!! That is what I said. Apple cider vinegar.

My husband has serious sinus problems and I read where apple cider vinegar would help. So, I started him on a drink made up of the vinegar, honey and Stevia. He hated the taste so bad, that I drank it with him. You know, like showing your children that the medicine is not so bad. ch Well, I found that the swelling in my mouth went down to nearly nothing, my reaction to chemicals stopped and I had more energy. Is that weird.

Well, I am grateful. I still do not know what the blood nor urine will show, but the doctor said that Vinegar is an anti-inflammatory as well as the Noni that I have been taking and to keep it up. We will see about the blood test.

I thank God for His hand on nature. I use to not think much about holistic medicine. But, I have certainly changed my mind. I will be looking at more natural remedies now. Everything we need has been put into place by God and I just need to look for it. Thank you, God.u14127399

So many have been praying for me and for that I am so grateful. God plots out our every step and I find comfort there. Where He leads, I will follow. Whatever comes next, I will find God in it and rely on Him for my strength.