Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The Noni worked incredibly well on my chest pain. I just take a tablespoon in the morning and one at night. In two days my pain was gone.

I am not going to go off of it to prove that it is the Noni that has caused my relief. That is what my husband has purposed. I am just believing that God had me find the information on Noni and it works.

The Noni does not take away all my pain, but I do believe that it has taken away a lot of the swelling in my ligaments so the pain is reduce. Well, in my chest it is gone. I did notice that if I am late in taking the Noni, I begin to feel a bit of tightening in my chest. Maybe, that is prof enough for my husband.

I suggest you give it a try if you have pain. I got mine at Walmart and it is not expensive.

So, I thank God for His wisdom and grace in leading me to Noni. Praise you Father.


Anonymous said...

I came across your blog. Its nice to see christian lupus support

Given55 said...

Thank you Chronic Chick.

I can only hope and pray that this blog will be a help to someone.